The branch celebrated our March meeting and Saint Patrick’s Day ahead of the official date, with some great entertainment by local singer David Cheals.
There was some boot scooting and Elvis songs flowing freely to keep us rocking along. Many members will have enjoyed the Downs Explorer trip set down for mid-March, spanning three days amongst the scenery of the Darling Downs including a trip by train. We’ll report more on that in the May edition.
There are plans to celebrate Christmas in July at the Albert River Winery which we have used a couple of years ago. It was so enjoyable that we are going back for seconds this year. April will also include a trip to the Awassi Cheesery at Grantham and obviously the celebration for Easter with a fun hat competition which always is amusing with the creativity on display.Â

National office has been busy conducting research into Retirement Village reform and comparisons between self-managed funds and the superannuation supplemented with the pension. All of this research along with member discounts on travel and insurance can only be accessed through joining National Seniors Australia.
The best way to do this is to contact your local branch, in this case Forest Lake, and come along to the monthly meeting. These are held at the Hotel Richlands, 132 Government Road Richlands, on the second Thursday of each month (for April though it will be on the 6th) except in December and January.
For further information contact Peter on 0404829518.
By Peter Dunell