The Club’s last game was held at the McLeod Golf Club with another great field of 28 players playing in a Stableford competition.
Thankfully the day started early as it was predicted to be very warm, and that’s how it turned out, along with very high humidity. Our members who walked the course dragged themselves back into the club house thankful that they had made it to the end in one piece! Despite the weather, there were some really good scores returned, and our ‘Eagles Nest’ hole was won with a great shot to within 75 cm of the hole! Congratulations to all our prize winners on the day.

A Grade Winner was Dan McKay with 41 points, and our runner up was Rod Lyons with 39 points.
B Grade Winner was Atul Bhardwaj with 37 points, and our runner up was Peter Cuttance with 34 points.
Other prize winners on the day were:
Long Drive A Grade: Dan McKay
Long Drive B Grade: Andrea Lee
Nearest Approach Hole 8: John Stephan
Nearest the Pin Hole 2: Rod Lyons
Nearest the pin Hole 6: Dan Jones
Nearest the Pin Hole 12: Brett Williams
Our Bradman winner on the day was Nate Lee.
The ‘Eagles Nest’ hole was won by Peter Cuttance with a superb shot into the green from 95 metres out!
Our next games will be at Sandy Gallop on March 10, followed by Mt Warren Park on March 24, and Windaroo Lakes on April 7.
If you play golf and are interested in joining our social club, please contact Pat on 0417 213 659 for more details on our club and hopefully you can join us at our next game.
The club wishes to acknowledge and thank our major sponsor The Heritage Community Branch, Forest Lake for its ongoing support.