by Rosella
Richlands-Forest Lake Scout Group have always had a strong focus on encouraging our youth to be active members of the local community and teaching them the skills needed to do so.
Our leaders are all trained first aiders and we feel very strongly about passing these skills on to our youth to prepare them in the event of an emergency and for when we camp or volunteer at local community events. Up until now we have only been able to talk about the use of Automated External Defibrillators (AED), as seen around shopping centres etc, as there was no way for us to effectively demonstrate how to use them. All of that has now changed, thanks to the generosity of our local Heritage Forest Lake Branch and the Forest Lake One Community members.

We are very excited to have been notified that Forest Lake Scout Group have been awarded a grant of $4452.50 to enable us to purchase an AED training device along with a portable AED.
Our Group members are very appreciative of the support offered by Heritage Forest Lake and FLOC and can’t wait for Scouting to start back so that we can start putting the training device to use.
While we are hoping that we don’t have to use the portable AED anytime soon, it will be a great relief knowing it is available if we need it when we are out and about in the community and volunteering at community events.
We are also happy that there was sufficient funding left over after the purchase of these wonderful resources to allow us to purchase some much needed camping equipment. As our numbers grow and we have more young people joining, it is reassuring to know we have the equipment needed to allow them to experience the outdoors safely. For many of our young people this is the only opportunity they have to experience camping or hiking and all of the benefits that come from these activities.
For more information on how to join Scouts contact our Group Leader Rosella on 0402 308 182. For anybody interested in seeing photos of some of our activities, or if you are considering joining Scouts, please visit our website or facebook page.
To read more Richlands/Forest Lake Scout Group articles, go here.