Home » Speedcubing sensation breaks world record

Speedcubing sensation breaks world record

Jamie Furness    November 28, 2023    2 min read   

Global cubing sensation Charlie Eggins from Forest Lake has beaten the world record for solving a single 3×3 rubik’s cube while blindfolded, with a time of 12.10 seconds.

14-year-old landed his recent world number 1 ranking at the Australian Nationals 2023 speed cubing event in Moreton Bay held from September 28 – October 1.

Charlie’s new world record for the blindfolded single solve comes after he beat the Australian record for the Blindfolded 3x3x3 event last year, where he also currently maintains his position as 3rd in the world with an average time of 15.51.

Charlie with his official Guinness World Record certificate.

Charlie said he wasn’t expecting to beat a world record during the national event.

“I was really surprised when I initially did it, because going into the round I wasn’t even thinking that I had a chance of getting a world record at all, really,” he said.

“When I took the blindfold off I was just so, so happy and excited and surprised.”

Charlie practises his speedcubing for about an hour almost every day, dedicating extra time to practising on the weekends.

His mum, Hayley Eggins, said she was very proud of Charlie for breaking the world record.

Photo: Arisandra Soo.

“It was a combination of pure excitement and also maybe a little relief – he’s come so close a few times in the past just narrowly missing it, so I think I was really just excited for him that he’s done it.”

“He’s worked so hard to get his times down.”

Hayley said the speedcubing community was made up of a great group of people.

“We love that Charlie is a part of the speedcubing community – it’s really encouraging,” she said.

“It’s not just about solving the cube – I think there’s a lot of life skills that are learned by participating in cubing – like the ability to learn to encourage one another, and resilience when things don’t go their way.”

Aside from the skills learned through cubing, Charlie also runs his own Youtube channel and Instagram account, which he uses to inspire and encourage other cubers.

To keep up to date with Charlie’s speedcubing journey, follow Swiftcubing on Youtube and @swiftcubing on Instagram. 

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Jamie Furness