Heritage Bank Slideshow Award

Forest Lake Photography Club

The Lake News January 13, 2024 2 min read 0

A standing ovation for Anne Niewand and Tony Ryder, the double champions of the Heritage Bank Slideshow Award for November 2023! Anne wowed the crowd with her breathtaking photo of footsteps in the snow, while Tony soared to victory with his incredible shot of an Osprey clutching a fish in its mighty talons. Talk about…


Forest Lake Photography Club

The Lake News December 20, 2023 2 min read 0

Three cheers for the dynamic duo, Derek Clark and Lorraine Burdeu, the September tag-team champions of the Heritage Bank Slideshow Award!  Congratulations, Lorraine, for your captivating photo of folded paper, and Derek, for your awe-inspiring sunset masterpiece.  You’ve got the club buzzing with artistic energy! Lorraine’s lens took a stroll through the fascinating world of…


Forest Lake Photography Club

The Lake News December 2, 2023 3 min read 0

Hip, hip, hooray for Derek Clark, the August sensation of the Heritage Bank Slideshow Award! Congrats, Derek, your moody masterpiece has us all in awe. Derek’s winning snap was a product of his daily commute mojo. He’d cruise along the Beaudesert Road Highway 90, right by Wyaralong Dam. Then, one fine day, the mist in…