Home » Forest Lake Photography Club

Forest Lake Photography Club

The Lake News    December 2, 2023    3 min read   

Hip, hip, hooray for Derek Clark, the August sensation of the Heritage Bank Slideshow Award! Congrats, Derek, your moody masterpiece has us all in awe.

Derek’s winning snap was a product of his daily commute mojo. He’d cruise along the Beaudesert Road Highway 90, right by Wyaralong Dam. Then, one fine day, the mist in the air caught his eye. Sometimes thick as pea soup, sometimes as elusive as a ghost, that mist was a natural show-stealer. Derek, being the adventurous photographer that he is, decided to seize the moment. So, on the weekend of July 15, he set his alarm clock to get there just before the sun stretched its rays. At a crisp 7 degrees Celsius, he braved the chill, and guess what? The mist was just right!

The scene he found was nothing short of enchanting. The lake lay still as a snoozing kitten, and the surroundings held an air of magic, sprinkled with just the right amount of mystery and spookiness. With a heart full of excitement and a camera full of potential, Derek got busy capturing the essence of the moment. Several clicks later, he had his masterpiece, and boy, is it a stunner.

Now, what’s the cherry on top of this photographic cake? Winning the Slideshow Award means Derek gets a A3+ print of his winning shot. And the best part? The club has its very own high-quality printer, courtesy of a generous grant from Forest Lake Heritage Bank. 

Members can get their own prints at a cost that won’t leave you checking your piggy bank.

But that’s not all folks – The Forest Lake Photography Club is where the magic happens. 

They meet on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:15 pm at the Forest Lake Community Hall. Visitors are welcomed with open arms, so don’t be shy if you’re iitching to join the shutterbug squad.

And speaking of their meetings, the last one was a real treat. One of the members, Rod, gave a talk about some nifty software called Topaz Photo AI. It’s like the secret spice in a photographer’s recipe, and everyone left with a bit more know-how in their camera bags.

If you’re curious about this dynamic photography club or want to dip your toes into the art of

capturing moments, head on over to forestlakephotographyclub.com. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting your photographic adventure, this club is where the pixels come to party!

Morning View – Derek Clark.

The Lake News

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