Regular Contributors

Lorikeets 'cuddling' on a tree branch.

Forest Lake Photography Club

The Lake News June 30, 2020 1 min read 0

by Steven Roberts The Heritage Bank Slideshow Award for November 2020 was won by Wendy McLeish for her beautiful photo entitled Love Birds. Club members submit photos for a slideshow and then during the following month they vote for three of their favourites. As a prize, Wendy will receive an A3+ print of her photo,…

rocks and the ocean during the daytime

Personally Speaking

The Lake News May 5, 2020 3 min read 0

by Susannah Friis, Editor The Lake News I’ve been thinking a lot about grace lately, and the evidence, or lack thereof, in us all. One significant event that has prompted much of this thinking was the quite spectacular display of a severe lack of grace in a certain outgoing president. Love him or hate him,…


50+ Club update

The Lake News April 30, 2020 2 min read 0

by Les Brooks The Forest Lake Fifty Plus Club’s Activity and Extra Activity programs for 2021 were circulated to all our members at the Club’s Christmas Party last December, held at The Wolston Park Golf Club. The Club has another awesome year of monthly activities ahead of us with a couple of new and exciting…


Centenary Evening VIEW Club update

The Lake News April 30, 2020 2 min read 0

The beginning of a new year is the ideal time to reflect on what we have achieved during the past year. Despite the limitations of COVID-19, Centenary Evening VIEW Club had a very successful year in 2020. You just need to look at to see how well we interpreted our focus on fun, friendship…


Richlands-Forest Lake Scout Group update

The Lake News April 30, 2020 2 min read 0

by Rosella Richlands-Forest Lake Scout Group have always had a strong focus on encouraging our youth to be active members of the local community and teaching them the skills needed to do so. Our leaders are all trained first aiders and we feel very strongly about passing these skills on to our youth to prepare…


Forest Lake Rotary Club update

The Lake News April 30, 2020 2 min read 0

by Alan Greig The Rotary Club of Forest Lake was again involved in the Australia Day Citizenship ceremony in the Calamvale Community Hall. This year it was a much smaller ceremony, probably due to the effect of COVID-19. In January 2020 almost 2,000 people became Australian citizens over four separate sessions. This year there were…


Family Focus

The Lake News April 30, 2020 3 min read 0

by Pastor Mark Mackay The Christmas and New Year period is great but, for many families the period that follows, in February, brings us back down to earth really quickly. The credit card statements come in and it includes the Christmas spending and the kids returning to school. We all know what it’s like to…


Forest Lake and Districts RSL Sub-Branch update

The Lake News April 30, 2020 3 min read 0

by Alan Greig This year is the Centenary of the Royal Australian Air Force. As a former Squadron Leader with almost 25 years service, I trust that you will allow me to ‘spruik’ on a little about what AF2021 has been doing in preparation for this achievement. One of the activities is that the Centenary…


National Seniors, Forest Lake Branch update

The Lake News April 30, 2020 2 min read 0

by Peter Dunell I am going to depart from my usual reporting on our activities for the month and instead share some thoughts on recent local events in January. There was never going to be a sudden change of fortune when the clock clicked over to New Years Day. We are going to have to…