Why you should discuss social media with your children.
Family Focus With Mark Mackay
As the father of 4 children, I have become increasingly aware of the impact of advertising and social media targeted at young people.
I used to think this was a problem for young girls in particular, but I see now that this is also a problem for young guys.
When people like Andrew Tate gain such a huge social media following, we have to ask ourselves the questions as a society, “what message are we sending our young men and women?”
The impact of the over-sexualisation of young people is far-reaching.
As many people are discovering in their own families, when young people become obsessed with body image, this can lead to health problems, mental illness, disastrous relationships, and worse.
Now is a critical time for parents and families to instil healthy body image because the increase in social media, the ridiculously poor restrictions on advertising and other factors that are beyond our control will not do the job for us.
I want my kids to see their value not by their appearance but by their intrinsic worth.
Our value ultimately comes from the value God has put on humanity. As the famous Psalm says, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” (Psalm 139:14)
This is true of every human being. Once we deny the absolute value of human dignity, we are on a slippery slope because we will seek our value in other things, like image, popularity, success or money.
While not all of you will share my faith position, we can all agree that we must teach our kids that their self-image must not be left to the whim of popular culture.
We must give them something more permanent, more absolute.

It starts with a conversation. It may mean a difficult conversation when we are confronted by negative advertising or images in the media.
It means teaching our kids that they are worth more than the tawdry consumerism and conformity that popular culture demands.
Instilling healthy self-esteem in a young person can set them up for a fulfilling life and one that makes a positive difference in our world.
It starts with that first conversation! Let’s take that step.