Home » Forest Lake State High School specialising in VET studies 

Forest Lake State High School specialising in VET studies 

Jamie Furness    July 9, 2023    3 min read   

Australian Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualifications are an affordable and effective pathway for students to find employment, undertaking practical learning opportunities to gain experience in preparation for work after graduation.

Forest Lake State High School offers a wide range of VET options as a Registered Training Organisation and in conjunction with other partner providers.

These options, which are available for students in year 10, 11 and 12, range from a Certificate II level through to Diploma and include courses in:

  • Business; 
  • Applied Digital Technologies; 
  • Hospitality; 
  • Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways Active Volunteering; 
  • Fitness; 
  • Sport and Recreation; 
  • Sampling and Measurement.  

Students are able to complete multiple VET courses throughout the course of their senior schooling at FLSHS. Some of these courses are funded by VET In Schools, while others require students to fund themselves. 

Courses usually take between one and two years to complete, depending on the qualification.

FLSHS Senior Schooling head of department Leanne Randolph said Vocational Education was an integral part of Forest Lake State High School.  

“It provides incredible opportunities for our students, and we have a wonderful Pathways Centre with staff who are there to assist and support students through their journey,” she said.

There are many benefits to undertaking a VET course during senior school.

  • Students who undertake VET throughout senior schooling will leave with a Nationally Recognised Qualification.  
  • VET students will also accrue QCE points through the completion of these courses, which may also contribute to their ATAR results.
  • VET studies benefit students by giving on-the-job training and real life experience through work placement and industry connections. 
  • Students who gain a Certificate III level qualification also obtained access to early entry to selected university courses.
  • VET is also an extremely beneficial undertaking for students who are best suited to hands-on learning, as they have the ability to complete training in real or simulated environments.  

Students at FLSHS are also given the opportunity to undertake vocational studies at WesTEC Trade Training Centre, TAFE and Private RTOs, and they have the option to participate in a variety of school based traineeships and apprenticeships. 

On August 3, the school will be holding a Pathways Night for senior students to assist them with their selection of subjects for 2024 as part of the school’s Student Education and Training Plan (SET Plan).   

“This night consists of sessions for parents and students and also provides them with access to industry partners, training providers, universities and other relevant organisations that will assist them with planning their pathway beyond year 12,” Leanne said.

Each faculty area will have a display about their area, and FLSHS staff will also be there to discuss the subject content available for students in 2024.

“There will also be industry representatives that our students and staff connect with,” Leanne said.

“We also have representatives from Defence Forces and Police. 

“Universities, TAFE and private RTOs (Registered Training Organisations) also attend to help support students with their options.”


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Jamie Furness