It has been a fantastic year for our members. Special thanks to the management committee and their team of volunteers. This month a group from our Branch will be attending the Centenary Theatre Group Matinee of George Bernard Shaw’s Pygmalion.
Our AGM was held on September 28 where we welcomed our new Committee. November 9 is our final monthly meeting for 2023. We will be back meeting on Thursday 8 February 2024. The calendar for 2024 (Feb to July) planning is close to finalisation. We will have our very interesting monthly meetings, special themed events, popular day and away trips plus a number of lunches and visits to our great city sights and venues. Come along as our guest and find out more about the great many benefits of membership of National Seniors.

Also at the end of November the very popular Branch Christmas Lunch is already booked. This is always a fabulous event well attended by members and their guests.
We invited Spencer Howson (“Don’t let me do all the talking”) as our guest speaker for the October Branch meeting. What a thrill it was to listen to him. He is so engaging and gave us a bit of an insight into his career in ABC and commercial radio plus all sorts of other things he was involved in before radio.
A very big event was held in October to celebrate Seniors Month. Our Branch had a stall at the Over 50s Expo. There were great guest speakers, free lunch and morning tea.
Meetings are held at the Hotel Richlands, 132 Government Road Richlands, arrive at 9.30am. Ample parking is available at the rear of the Hotel. A modest $8 entry fee includes morning tea. Our date for the November meeting is Thursday 9, and we will have a guest speaker at this meeting. Contact Brian on 38799332.