As we closed out Term 3, all of our section youth were obviously in celebration mode.
Our Joeys tried milk carton hotdogs, the Cub Scouts had a disco party and our Scouts and Venturer Scouts were very creatively mixing mocktails for their mocktails competition.

While the youth members then enjoyed a couple of weeks break, our adult members got to work raising funds with not one, but two of the ever favourite Bunnings sausage sizzles, and trying to arrange our time to fit in all of the excellent suggestions from the youth members for our term 4 program.
For our Scouts and Venturers, term 4 started with some refreshers around first aid, before a visit to the Queensland Ambulance Station open day at Durack, and then a visit to the neighbouring QFES Durack on Fire Fighter Remembrance Day.
The Cub Scouts let off some steam – with a very long game of paint tiggy, essentially tiggy but they had paint on their hands and all came equipped with a nice new white shirt.
During week 2, the Cubs joined in with the Joey Scouts as we had a visit from our local Richlands State Emergency Service volunteers.
For the Joey Scouts, along with the visit to the QAS Open Day, this was the culmination of their exploration of all things Emergency, and the final requirement to earn their SES badges. BRAVO Joeys!

This term, our Joey Scouts are exploring holidays, festivals and celebrations from around the world.
Our first day back fell on the Feast of St Francis of Assisi – Patron Saint of Animals. We were thrilled to bring our pets along and thankful for Rev Jon who visited to perform the blessing of the pets.
You’ll have to keep following our page to keep track of the upcoming festivals and celebrations, or even better call or message us to see how your child can get involved.
Check out Richlands – Forest Lake Scout Group on Facebook, or call Rosella on 0402308182.