A standing ovation for Anne Niewand and Tony Ryder, the double champions of the Heritage Bank Slideshow Award for November 2023! Anne wowed the crowd with her breathtaking photo of footsteps in the snow, while Tony soared to victory with his incredible shot of an Osprey clutching a fish in its mighty talons. Talk about a visual feast!
Anne takes us on a frosty journey to Yellowstone National Park, where she braved nose-hair-freezing temperatures (a handy thermometer, if you ask her). Her winning shot, captured in the early morning after a frosty tree photoshoot, features dead trees lining a reflective creek, painted in apricot hues from the sunrise mist. This magical photo has not only won Anne the club’s accolade but has also earned her a couple of international awards. An international acclaim twofer—now, that’s what we call a photographic touchdown!
Anne spills the beans on her photography passions, revealing a six-year love affair with landscapes and a recent retirement-inspired dive into the adorable world of Pet Studio Photography. Pups and landscapes—Anne’s recipe for post-retirement bliss!
Footsteps by Anne Niewand
Both Anne and Tony will be graced with a shiny A3+ print of their winning shots, hot off the club’s printer, courtesy of the Forest Lake Heritage Bank. And the best part? Members can print their own masterpieces for the cost of the canvas or paper. A win-win for turning digital dreams into tangible delights!
For those itching to join this photography fiesta, the Forest Lake Photography Club hosts its gatherings on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:15 pm at the Forest Lake Community Hall. Visitors, brace yourselves for a warm welcome and a visual extravaganza!
November had some of the members chasing the perfect shot during a night shoot at Kangaroo Point. Plus, the festivities continued into December with a Christmas function that surely spread more cheer than Santa’s sleigh. Fun times galore!
Feeling the shutterbug itch? Dive into the Forest Lake Photography Club‘s world at forestlakephotographyclub.com. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a rookie with a camera, this club is where pixels, puppies, and landscapes converge for a photographic party!