The Lake News

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Image is of green fern with zero waste items including bamboo straw, deodorant, soap and metal razor.

Simple swaps to kickstart your zero waste lifestyle

By The Lake News / April 30, 2020 / Comments Off on Simple swaps to kickstart your zero waste lifestyle

by Lily Friis “Even small changes have a bigger impact than you’d realise. Focus on reducing your waste – don’t worry about eliminating it. With practice, everything will fall into place in time.” There are many super simple swaps you can make from your everyday items to a more eco-friendly option. Some easy ones are […]

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Richlands-Forest Lake Scout Group update

By The Lake News / April 30, 2020 / Comments Off on Richlands-Forest Lake Scout Group update

by Rosella Richlands-Forest Lake Scout Group have always had a strong focus on encouraging our youth to be active members of the local community and teaching them the skills needed to do so. Our leaders are all trained first aiders and we feel very strongly about passing these skills on to our youth to prepare […]

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Forest Lake Rotary Club update

By The Lake News / April 30, 2020 / Comments Off on Forest Lake Rotary Club update

by Alan Greig The Rotary Club of Forest Lake was again involved in the Australia Day Citizenship ceremony in the Calamvale Community Hall. This year it was a much smaller ceremony, probably due to the effect of COVID-19. In January 2020 almost 2,000 people became Australian citizens over four separate sessions. This year there were […]

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Family Focus

By The Lake News / April 30, 2020 / Comments Off on Family Focus

by Pastor Mark Mackay The Christmas and New Year period is great but, for many families the period that follows, in February, brings us back down to earth really quickly. The credit card statements come in and it includes the Christmas spending and the kids returning to school. We all know what it’s like to […]

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Forest Lake and Districts RSL Sub-Branch update

By The Lake News / April 30, 2020 / Comments Off on Forest Lake and Districts RSL Sub-Branch update

by Alan Greig This year is the Centenary of the Royal Australian Air Force. As a former Squadron Leader with almost 25 years service, I trust that you will allow me to ‘spruik’ on a little about what AF2021 has been doing in preparation for this achievement. One of the activities is that the Centenary […]

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National Seniors, Forest Lake Branch update

By The Lake News / April 30, 2020 / Comments Off on National Seniors, Forest Lake Branch update

by Peter Dunell I am going to depart from my usual reporting on our activities for the month and instead share some thoughts on recent local events in January. There was never going to be a sudden change of fortune when the clock clicked over to New Years Day. We are going to have to […]

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Forest Lake Area Garden Group

By The Lake News / April 30, 2020 / Comments Off on Forest Lake Area Garden Group

by John Prout With the festive season and holidays now in our memory and a new school year has commenced for many, I suppose one would say ‘life is returning to normal’ as we live under the many restrictions currently in place for obvious reasons. This month we will hold our postponed Annual General Meeting […]

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Forest Lake Probus Club update

By The Lake News / April 30, 2020 / Comments Off on Forest Lake Probus Club update

by Judith Weston Forest Lake Probus Club ended on a happy note by celebrating Christmas together at the Blue Fin. Our thanks to the management and staff for the festive decorations, superb service and delicious Christmas fare. President Ellen welcomed members to the first meeting of 2021 at the Lighthouse Community Centre. After morning tea, […]

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Image is of eucalyptus branch with zero waste items including market bag, keep cup, metal straw and lip balm

Why strive for a zero waste life?

By The Lake News / April 30, 2020 / Comments Off on Why strive for a zero waste life?

by Lily Friis There is no denying that many of our practices and ways of living are harming the planet we live on. While some may deny climate change and global warming, it is becoming increasingly harder to ignore that our environment is changing and not for the better. There are so many issues with […]

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Cr Charles Strunk

By The Lake News / April 29, 2020 / Comments Off on Cr Charles Strunk

I’m excited that it’s February and that plenty is still happening in our community thanks to Queenslanders, especially Forest Lake residents, following COVID-19 regulations. You have done a wonderful job looking out for your neighbour and yourselves. I would like to especially point out to everyone that this month is incredibly important to me and […]

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