
Christmas comes early at the Forest Lake Markets 

Corin Mackay July 29, 2023 2 min read 0

By Corin Mackay The Forest Lake markets returned on Friday July 14 for a mid-year Christmas-in July themed event at the Forest Lake Sports Field on College Avenue. Locals were treated to many stalls and attractions on the night, ranging from food trucks selling spuds, crepes and poffertjes to ice cream and a great variety…


High school drama of the classical kind

Corin Mackay July 29, 2023 3 min read 0

By Corin Mackay Forest Lake State High School (FLSHS) recently performed their rendition of Euripides’ Medea in late May to wide community applause as the third play in a new tradition of performances. FLSHS Head of Arts Sean Lubbers said that he picked the play in particular to broaden students’ knowledge of Greek tragedy, an…


Forest Lake Mens Shed

Corin Mackay July 28, 2023 1 min read 0

In the last month we have gained three new members. Most members have different reasons for joining us – some just for company, some for health reasons, and some to help out the community.   We don’t care why you join us, all are welcome, whether you want to do art, play cards or do woodwork,…


Probus Club of Forest Lake Update

Corin Mackay July 28, 2023 2 min read 0

By Marge Breitenbach. The May speaker was Michael Palmer from Quantum.  As a consultant, he commenced his talk with the maxim “Make it big enough and you will read it.” He was, of course, referring to the problem of eyesight. He brought along examples of visual aids that can be used to improve and assist…


Community Life Uniting Church bless community this winter

Corin Mackay July 28, 2023 3 min read 0

By Jamie Furness The Community Life Uniting Church (formerly Forest Lake Uniting Church) in Ellen Grove has been blessing the community this winter by providing much-needed supplies to people doing it tough. Community Life Uniting Church reverend Emma said members of the community escaping domestic violence situations or unable to afford food can connect with…


Locals pushing for traffic lights on dangerous intersection

Corin Mackay July 27, 2023 3 min read 0

By Corin Mackay Last month a petition was posted on the Forest Lake Facebook page asking members to sign their names in support of a new set of traffic lights on the Johnson Road and Woogaroo Street intersection. Organised by Hamish Krammer, the petition was started as a result of the frequent crashes that occur…


Forest Lake State High School team wins international Esports competition

Corin Mackay July 27, 2023 3 min read 0

By Corin Mackay Students from the Forest Lake State High School  (FLSHS) Just Dance gaming crew won the FUSE Esports cup against teams from around the world in June.  The event took place online, and participants in the Esports Program of Excellence from years eight and nine danced from 7am to 9pm, supported by their…


Forest Lake State High School wins farming game 

Corin Mackay July 27, 2023 2 min read 0

By Corin Mackay The Forest Lake State High School (FLSHS) Lions won their second Farming Simulator championship on  June 21 to secure their throne as the reigning champions. The team competed in the XP Esports High School League (HSL) against schools from around Queensland, including the Lockyer District State High School (DHS) Teal and Somerset…


Lions Club of Forest Lake

Corin Mackay July 27, 2023 2 min read 0

The year is moving along quickly and the end of the Lions year is upon us. Our officer changeover dinner is being planned for June 28 with our new board being installed. Congratulations to all who have volunteered and taken up the positions on offer. A BBQ was held for ELORAC on April 15 with…


Personally Speaking – With Jamie Furness

Jamie Furness July 27, 2023 2 min read 0

The Lake News team has been busy out and about in the community this month. Below are a few highlights from the last few weeks. The Lake News 30th Birthday The Lake News turned 30 this month! I recently visited Chris Wren, who co-founded The Lake News with his wife Betty Wren, along with LNP…